These courses provide access to continuing education courses presented by local instructors like Cindy Chandler.

- Staying on the Right Path – Code of Ethics (CE Approved)
All brokers want to do things right, whether it is following the license law or abiding by the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics. This course has case studies in different areas dealing with different challenges. It does not matter if the broker is from a large or small market, in an urban or rural setting, or is residential or commercial or both – all brokers will relate to most if not all of the situations presented. - Fundamentals of Commercial Real Estate (CE Approved)
Welcome to the exciting world of commercial real estate. It all starts here! This course will explain the business of commercial real estate and introduce many of the resources needed to pursue a commercial transaction or a career in commercial real estate. Course objectives include differentiate between commercial and residential transactions, illustrate the different types of commercial transactions, discuss skills needed to be successful as a commercial broker, identify the players in a commercial transaction and provide tips on beginning a commercial real estate career.
NOTE: According to the NC Real Estate Commission Rule 21 NCAC 58E.0302 all distance education courses require students registering for such course to complete the course within 30 days of the date of registration for the course or the date the student is provided the course materials and permitted to begin work, whichever is the later date, provided that the deadline for course completion is an approval period shall not be later than June 10 of that approval period. If a course expires, the student is considered a “no show” and CRCBR “no show” policies will apply.