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License Info

North Carolina Real Estate Commission

All North Carolina brokers are required to take eight (8) hours of continuing education credit per year. Provisional Brokers and non-BIC Brokers must take the GenUp (General Update) course and one Commission-approved elective. Brokers in Charge (BIC) and BIC-Eligible Brokers should take the BICUP (Broker-in-Charge Update) course and one Commission-approved elective. The North Carolina Real Estate Commission (NCREC) licensing year is from July 1 - June 30. Contact NCREC for more information about continuing education and pre-licensing requirements. Licensing deadline is June 10.

South Carolina Real Estate Commission

For SC resident licensed Salespersons, Broker’s and Broker in Charge who are not CE exempt, the following CE requirements apply for “ACTIVE” renewal:

  • Ten (10) hours of biennial continuing education will be required for broker and salesperson licensees including 4 hour mandatory core course. (*Will begin with licenses which expire June 30)
  • Brokers in Charge will have an additional mandatory 4 hour CE class out of their 10 hours in addition to the mandatory core course. (*Will begin with licenses which expire June 30)